average American uses about 100 gallons of water a day!
But only a small amount is used for cooking and drinking.
Here are some other ways that families use water. The amount
used depends on how long the water is turned on, and whether
the family used water-saving appliances, shower heads, toilet
tanks and faucets.
Match each picture with one of the water-saving tips below.

2-5 gallons a minute

Bathroom Faucet:
2-5 gallons a minute
Water-Saving Tips
- Turn this off while you brush your teeth.
- Don't use this as a wastebasket.
- Keep a container of water in the refridgerator instead
of running the faucet to get a cold drink.
- If that shirt is fairly clean, you could wear it
- You may not need to rinse most cups and plates before
filling this -- check with a parent.
- Take a short one of these instead of a bath.

2-5 gallons a flush

25 gallons a load

Kitchen Sink:
2-5 gallons a minute

Washing Machine:
30 gallons a load