Maureen Schmelling

Maureen Schmelling

Director, Water Quality & Technology

Ms. Maureen Schmelling serves DC Water as Director, Water Quality & Technology. Ms. Schmelling has held several roles with the Authority since initially joining DC Water in January 2005 as Water Quality Supervisor and most recently served as Water Quality Manager, Drinking Water Branch. 

As Director, Water Quality & Technology, Ms. Schmelling provides water quality oversight/review for drinking water treatment, distribution and collection through the management of the water quality and technology programs. She also serves as the chief technology officer for drinking water treatment, distribution and collection by providing guidance and oversight to development of new technologies and innovations. 

Additionally, Ms. Schmelling directs the capacity, management, operations and maintenance program (CMOM) through research program managers to ensure compliance to date, and future regulatory requirements of the Clean Water Act. Accordingly, she recommends policies, procedures, methods and practices to ensure that regulatory requirements are met. 

Ms. Schmelling holds a Bachelor’s degree in Paper Engineering from Western Michigan University and a Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering from Clemson University.