Mar 21, 2025 | 05:00 PM

Mar 21, 2025 | 03:30 PM

Lead Free DC Program Status Dashboard

The dashboard below outlines the progress toward the goal of replacing all lead service lines in the city.  It tracks both the number of replacements completed and the properties with verified service lines. Verification is an important part of the lead service line replacement process because older properties (of which the District has many) may not have been required to record what type of pipe connected to the home when it was built. Tracking pipe material verification helps DC Water confirm how many service lines are lead and need replacing.

Under the Lead Free DC initiative, there are multiple lead service line replacement programs to help property owners and renters receive a lead service line replacement. To find out if your property has a lead service line and what program it may qualify for, enter your address in the Service Inventory Map.  You can also reach out to Lead Free DC at 202-787-4044 or lead@dcwater.com to answer any questions you may have. 

The current estimated total number of lead services in the District (41,157), is based on the total number of verified and suspected lead service lines, plus an estimated portion of premises with no service line material information, and an estimated portion of premises where the service line is classified as suspected non lead.  The portion of service lines estimated as lead from those classifications is based on material investigation data received during construction.  

Upcoming Meeting

Board of Directors Meeting

April 24, 2023

Monday 9:00 AM


Piney Branch
DC Water Clean Rivers initiative gains approval for construction of Piney Branch Tunnel Project

DC Water’s Piney Branch Tunnel Project is moving ahead with construction, the next phase of the Authority’s Clean Rivers

Latest Blog Post
A helicopter lowers a drill rig to workers on the Potomac River.
DC Water begins drilling in Potomac River to explore options to rehab underwater sewer line
When one of your major sewer lines runs through the Potomac River, a backhoe and trencher won't do. That's why we've got helicopters carrying a 14-ton drill and workers suspended midair over the Potomac.
Upcoming Meeting
March 27, 2025
Thursday, 9:30 AM