Water System Replacement Fee

In fiscal year 2016, DC Water modified its existing rate structure and implemented a new meter-based Water System Replacement Fee (WSRF) in order to recover the cost of the 1% renewal and replacement program for water service lines. It is anticipated that the new WSRF will generate $40 million per year. The fee is based on meter size and average flow. DC Water's low income CAP customers receive a 100% credit for this fee.

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Board of Directors Meeting

April 24, 2023

Monday 9:00 AM


West Potomac Park Drive SW
West Potomac Park Drive SW: New Roadway Opening

(Washington, DC) – DC Water will open West Potomac Park Drive SW, a new road constructed as a part of the Potomac River Tunnel (PRT) Project, on Mo

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Photo of Great Falls of the Potomac River with fast moving rapids going over the falls
The Critical Need for a More Resilient Water Source and Protecting the One We Have
Source Water Protection Week highlights the case for second water source.
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January 9, 2025
Thursday, 2:30 PM

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