Lead Free DC Newsletter Spring 2024

Spring Strides: Celebrating Community Milestones

Welcome to the Lead Free DC newsletter! We're excited to share the latest updates and initiatives from our ongoing efforts to replace all lead service lines with copper pipe. Our goal is to ensure the quality and safety of drinking water in the District of Columbia.

In this issue, we are making a splash with several exciting stories to share including our 5,000th lead service pipe replacement milestone, an LFDC team member spotlight on Sean Moore, our door-to-door canvassing efforts, and where you can find us at our upcoming events.

DC Water is committed to keeping you informed every step of the way and providing resources to help you determine if you have a lead service line.

Let's join forces and work together to make Lead Free DC a success!

Table of Contents

Over 5,000 Lead Service Lines Replaced!

DC workers.DC Water is excited to share that the Lead Free DC program has replaced more than 5,000 lead service lines with copper, crossing the milestone at the end of 2023. Lead Free DC launched in 2019 with the ambitious goal of removing all lead service lines in the District.

“This milestone is a sign of our commitment to a Lead Free DC,” said DC Water Chief Executive Officer and General Manager David L. Gadis. “With support from our partners in the District and the federal government, we reached this milestone in less than five years.  Our program has gotten smarter and more efficient along the way, and we will continue to evolve as we reach our vision of equitably replacing all lead service lines to benefit present and future generations.” 

The 5,000th replacement occurred on December 19th, 2023 on Girard St NE under the Lead Pipe Replacement Assistance Program (LPRAP). LPRAP is a partnership between DC Water and the District Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) to help homeowners cover the cost of a lead service line replacement on their private property. Homes are eligible on blocks where the public-side service line was replaced in the past. 

In addition to expanding the opportunities for free lead line replacements in the District, the program also boosts the local economy. While DOEE manages the application process for homeowners, DC Water pre-qualifies contractors and facilitates permitting and lead line replacements. With more than 13,000[AS4]  homes estimated to be eligible for LPRAP replacements, DOEE and DC Water are excited to support the local economy through this program. 

“Our partnership with DOEE has been especially successful and we look forward to our continued collaboration as we eliminate lead pipes throughout the District,” said Gian Cossa, DC Water’s Manager for the LPRAP program, “In the process, DOEE and LPRAP are helping support local contractors who have been able to hire additional crews to meet the rising demand.” 

Under Lead Free DC, DC Water offers multiple options for homeowners to receive service line replacements. In addition to LPRAP, the Block By Block program offers free private-side replacements in areas where DC Water is scheduling public space replacements or other repairs. Homeowners who want to schedule their own replacement ahead of the Block By Block schedule can pursue a replacement with the Voluntary Full Replacement Program (VFRP), although the cost is not covered by DC Water.  To learn more, visit dcwater.com/lead. 

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Spring into a Lead Free Season

Add this to your spring cleaning checklist: ensuring your home's water is lead-free. DC Water offers various programs for replacing lead service lines. While water in the public distribution system is lead-free, lead can enter tap water right before it enters the home, through service lines on your property. Replacing these lines helps reduce the risk of lead exposure in water as it reaches your home.

Join us in our mission to work towards a Lead-Free DC! Visit dcwater.com/lead to learn more about our programs and use our interactive lead map at https://geo.dcwater.com/leadmap/ to check if your home has lead service lines. To learn more about how to reduce your exposure to lead in drinking water, visit Home Owner Tools | DC Water. Let's work together to keep our water clean and safe this spring!

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LFDC Team Member Spotlight: Sean Moore

Sean Moore is the Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Manager for DC Water’s Lead Free DC (LFDC) Program. In this role, Sean focuses on building relationships with community leaders and fostering support for the LFDC program and its goal of eliminating all lead water service lines in the District

Sean is one of the main public faces of Lead Free DC. From making ANC (Advisory Neighborhood Commissions) presentations, to tabling at large community events, talking to school groups, and helping organize and facilitate community workshops, Sean is out spreading the word about FREE lead service line replacements in DC. He is responsible for coordinating events, keeping in touch with stakeholders, and growing Lead Free DC’s community partnerships.

Sean previously served in a consulting role as a Community Outreach Specialist on numerous District Department of Transportation (DDOT) transportation projects including the New Frederick Douglass Memorial Bridge and South Capitol Corridor Project; Revitalization of Minnesota Avenue, SE, Phase II; DC Streetcar; Benning Road and Bridges Transportation Study; and the Key Bridge Rehabilitation Project.

Sean has served as a trusted advisor and is skilled at building relationships with multiple stakeholders including residents, business owners, government officials, and community leaders, and leveraging those relationships to develop solutions to address complex issues.

Sean honed his diverse management, operations, business analysis, and marketing experience with regional and national organizations over his 25-year professional career. Sean counts service to others as one of his guiding principles and feels that his work helping young people achieve their potential is rewarding, satisfying and a blessing that enriches his life.



In his free time, Sean serves as Scoutmaster for Boy Scout Troop 505. It requires patience to watch teenagers try to lead an organization and accomplish the goals that they developed for themselves, and Sean believes the reward of watching them figure out management, teamwork, and collaborative achievement is worth it. As a result of his scouting experience, Sean likes to manage by example and give his people the tools needed to accomplish their goals, along with guidance, while resisting the temptation to demand it be done his way.

Sean attended the University of Florida where he received a Bachelor’s degree in Public Relations. Sean is a native of Plant City, Florida, but he has spent most of his life in Washington, DC. He and his wife Channa have three children, two daughters and a son. As the father of an Eagle Scout, Sean has also adopted the Scout Motto, “Be Prepared” as a guiding principle in his life.

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LFDC Outreach Door-to-Door Canvassing: Connecting with our DC Community7

How does Lead Free DC start our week? Well, every Monday, the door-to-door canvassing team starts with a list of addresses. These are the homes they will visit and the residents they will get to know over the next few weeks while bringing the Lead Free DC mission to the community.[  These addresses belong to properties suspected of having a lead service line and are on blocks included in DC Water’s upcoming Block-By-Block replacement projects. 

In teams of three or four , the outreach canvassers set out to knock on every door on their list over the span of the week, talking to residents and sharing information about signing up for free lead service line replacements. 

“Door-to-door canvassing is a really important part of the program,” said Keith Geter, one of the LFDC canvassing team leaders. “It helps get the word out about the program and what we are trying to do for our community and all of DC.”

The canvassers are often one of the first ways that residents learn about the program and its impact on their homes. Connecting one-to-one with the LFDC team allows homeowners to talk through the replacement process steps and ask questions they might have. It’s also an opportunity to sign the authorization form for a free replacement on the spot!

Joining our full time canvassers are some of Lead Free DC’s Department of Employment Services (DOES) Community Activators, a workforce development program that helps to support dedicated individuals who are igniting positive change in our neighborhoods. With their help, the outreach canvassing team reaches approximately 600 homes every week.

The door-to-door team goes through extensive training with DC Water before hitting the blocks. They learn the ins and outs of the Lead Free DC replacement programs, details of what construction will look like, the health impacts of lead in water, and any other information they might need to answer homeowner questions.

Their main goal: collect signed authorization forms from property owners giving permission to DC Water to replace their lead service lines. This can be a challenge.

Often, property owners may not be home or, even if they are home, they may not feel comfortable coming to the door. People are wary of scams and door-to-door sales and do not feel comfortable answering an unexpected knock. If nobody answers, the team leaves behind door hangers with information about the program and how residents can learn more and will come back to try again another day.

Some property owners are concerned about the construction work that will need to be done in their yard and on their property. To help resolve this challenge, the canvassers are equipped with information to explain the construction process, the size and location of the holes that will need to be dug, and let homeowners know it will only take one day for the replacement.

If residents need more time to think about it, the canvassers can leave behind information and copies of the authorization form for property owners to sign and send in later. 

Keep an eye out for the LFDC canvassers in your neighborhood, and make sure you say hi if you see them!

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Join LFDC at these Upcoming Events!

Lead Free DC gives presentations and attends District events to share information about lead service line replacements all over DC! Stop by any of the below events to learn more about our programs, getting a free lead service line replacement, and ask questions!

If your organization would like Lead Free DC to join an event or give a presentation, please reach out to Sean Moore at sean.moore@dcwater.com.


Anacostia River Youth Environmental Summit

Anacostia Park Roller Skating Pavilion     
1500 Anacostia Drive SE - 10:00AM - 3:00PM


Africa on the Avenue     

Bruce Monroe Park     
3012 Georgia Avenue NW - 11:00AM - 4:00PM


Summer Kick-Off “Jump In DC”

Anacostia Pool     
1800 Anacostia Drive SE - 2:00PM - 4:00PM



Mayor's Safe Summer Kickoff      
& 17th Annual DC Truck Touch

Robert F. Kennedy Stadium (Lot 8/8A)     
2500 Independence Avenue SE - 8:00AM - 1:00PM


DOEE Resource Fair

Kingman + Heritage Island     
575 Oklahoma Avenue NE - 10:00AM - 4:00PM


Capital Pride Block Party 2024

Dupont and Logan Circles NW, 17th Street NW - 12:00PM - 10:00PM


Capital Pride Parade 2024

Logan and Dupont Circle Neighborhoods - 3:00PM - 7:30PM


Capital Pride Festival 2024

Pennsylvania Avenue NW and Constitution Avenue NW, from 3rd Street NW to 7th Street NW - 12:00PM - 7:00PM


Columbia Heights Day

Harriet Tubman Elementary School

3101 13th St NW - 11:00AM - 5:00PM


32nd Giant BBQ Battle Event

Pennsylvania Avenue NW and Constitution Avenue NW, from 3rd Street to 7th Street - 11:00AM - 9:00PM


32nd Giant BBQ Battle Event

Pennsylvania Avenue NW and Constitution Avenue NW, from 3rd Street to 7th Street - 11:00AM - 7:00PM


Friday Night Concert Series at The Yards Park

355 Water Street SE - 7:00PM - 9:00PM


Friday Night Concert Series at The Yards Park

355 Water Street SE - 7:00PM - 9:00PM


National Park Service Lotus and Water Lily Festival

Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens

1550 Anacostia Avenue NE -  9:00AM - 1:00PM


National Park Service Lotus and Water Lily Festival

Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens

1550 Anacostia Avenue NE -  9:00AM - 1:00PM

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Stay Connected with Lead Free DC

Stay connected with us on social media for instant updates, engaging conversations, exclusive content, and event announcements. Your support and engagement on platforms like Facebook, X and Instagram help us to build community around our efforts and play a crucial role in our mission to create a lead free DC. Let's build a community committed to clean water and a healthier environment!

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We Want to Hear From You

Send us your thoughts and feedback on the program at lead@dcwater.com. We value your input!

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DC Water.com Lead Website

Curious to learn more about our Lead Free DC program? Visit our website at dcwater.com/lead to dive deeper into our initiatives and explore how we're working towards a lead free future.

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Upcoming Meeting

Board of Directors Meeting

April 24, 2023

Monday 9:00 AM


Piney Branch
DC Water Clean Rivers initiative gains approval for construction of Piney Branch Tunnel Project

DC Water’s Piney Branch Tunnel Project is moving ahead with construction, the next phase of the Authority’s Clean Rivers

Latest Blog Post
A helicopter lowers a drill rig to workers on the Potomac River.
DC Water begins drilling in Potomac River to explore options to rehab underwater sewer line
When one of your major sewer lines runs through the Potomac River, a backhoe and trencher won't do. That's why we've got helicopters carrying a 14-ton drill and workers suspended midair over the Potomac.
Upcoming Meeting
March 27, 2025
Thursday, 9:30 AM