Mar 21, 2025 | 05:00 PM

Mar 21, 2025 | 03:30 PM

Fees & Charges

DC Water has announced new and updated fees and charges for services. Some existing fees increased, while some remained the same. DC Water also implemented several new fees for services. For instance, there are a number of new fees for permit reviews for new development. The manual meter reading fee increased as did the fee for returned checks. The fees increased for food-serving establishments to address clogged sewer lines, sewer backups, and infrastructure damage caused by the improper discharge of fats, oils, and grease (FOG) into the sewer system.

New/Increased Fees: 

DC Water had not revisited the fee structure since 2019. Ensuring the fees cover the cost to provide the services prevents those costs being unfairly recovered from everyone in the customer base, DC Water commissioned a cost of service study in late 2021 to ensure our fees and charges cover the cost of providing services. The last comprehensive cost of service study of miscellaneous fees was conducted in 2019.  DC Water coordinated with independent consultants to ensure that the fees are reasonable and generally represent the cost of providing the service. The analysis also took into account the level of fees in comparison to peer utilities in the region.  As a result, many fees remained the same.

Water Quality Fees

Customer Compliance Fees  Fee
Fats, Oil and Grease (FOG) Facility Monthly Fee $18.70
Cross-Connection/Back Flow Prevention Monthly Fee $6.70

Customer Service

Customer Service  Fees Fee
Customer Bad Check Fee $30
Declined Credit Card Fee $40
Customer Penalty Late Fee 10% after 30 days
Additional Penalty Late Payment Fee 1% per month after 60 days, compounded monthly
New Customer Account Initiation Fee  $55
Turn Off Charges for Non-Payment $55
Reconnection Fee – Residential Customer $50
Reconnection Fee – Multi-Family and       
Non-Residential Customer
Broken By-Pass Seal $745
Unauthorized Turn On $260
Notice of Follow Up (NOFOL) Compliance Fee $475
Second Water Audit within 24 months $135
Manual Meter Reading Fee * $20/month/per meter
Manual Meter Reading Fee* 5/8”-2” Multi-Family and Non-Residential $100 /month/meter
Manual Meter Reading Fee* 3”-4” Multi-Family and Non-Residential $250 /month/meter
Manual Meter Reading Fee* 6” & greater Multi-Family and Non-Residential $500/month/meter

*The Manual Meter Read Fee is charged if customer refuses or does not respond to request to install Automatic Meter Reader or if the meter transmission unit is not transmitting due to the customer's failure to provide appropriate transmission requirements.

Water Taps and Connections Fees 

Water Taps and Connections Fees Fee
Cross-Connection Turn-off 5/8” to 2” $215
Cross-Connection Turn-off 3” to 5” $425
Cross-Connection Turn-off 6” and larger $955
1 Inch Tap Insertion $455
1.5 Inch Tap Insertion $530
2 Inch Tap Insertion $575
Water Connection Reimbursable
Water Connection 3” and Larger $2,500
Water Tap Abandonment (2” or less diameter) $425
Water Service Connection Abandonment (greater than 2' diameter) $850
Inspect Pointing up Sewer Taps $915
Inspect Insertion of Y-Branch $325
Inspect Installation of Standard Cleanout $325
Inspect Sewer Tap Removal $325
Meter Setter Inspection $250
Meter Setter Re-Inspection $250
Meter Vault Inspection $1,000
Meter Vault Re-Inspection $1,000

Fire Hydrant Flow Test and Use Charges 

Fire Hydrant Flow Test Fees Fee
Fire Hydrant Flow Test (Field Test) $320
Fire Hydrant Flow Test (Computer Model) $320
Fire Hydrant Flow Test (Recent Test Record Available) $135
Letter in Lieu of Hydrant Flow Test $250
Private Fire Hydrant Flush $90


Fire Hydrant Use Fees Fee Rate
Fire Hydrant Permit $75  
Water and Sewer Rate – for Hydrant Use Prevailing Usage Based
3” Fire Hydrant Meter Deposit $1,750 per rental
3” Fire Hydrant Meter Rental < 15 days $130  
3” Fire Hydrant Meter Rental ≥ 15 days $10 per day
3” Fire Hydrant Meter w/Backflow Preventer Deposit $2,750 per rental
3” Fire Hydrant Meter w/Backflow Preventer Rental < 15 days $195 per rental
3” Fire Hydrant Meter w/Backflow Preventer Rental ≥ 15 days $15 per day
5/8” Fire Hydrant Meter w/Backflow Preventer Deposit $950 per rental
5/8” Fire Hydrant Meter w/Backflow Preventer Rental < 15 days $115 per rental
5/8” Fire Hydrant Meter w/Backflow Preventer Rental ≥15 days $10 per day

Installation and Removal of Water Bubblers 

Installation and Removal of Water Bubblers Fee
1 Water Bubbler $262
Each additional Water Bubbler after the first in the same general location $54

Large Projects

Engineering Large Plans Review and Existing Permitting Fees

Standard Review Fee       
Current Fee 

New Fee       
Effective October 1,2022

Expedited Review       
Current Fee 

New Fee       
Effective October 1,2022

Standard Review Time*       
(Business Days)
Expedited Review Time*       
(Business Days)
Large Project Base Plan - 1st Submission Administrative Fee





Large Project Rejected Plan Resubmission Administrative Fee





Large Plan Review Fee per meter:





30 15
Large Project Foundation to Grade





21 11
Large Project Approved Plan Revision (APR)





14 7
Large Project Sheeting and Shoring





30 15
Large Project Abandonment Waiver Request





14 7
Large Project Temporary Water Connections





21 11
Large Fire Service Only Greater than 2” - with no interior renovations





21 11
Large Sanitary or Combined Connection Only 8” or larger





21 11
Large Storm Connection Only 15” or larger





21 11
Large Project Sign Off Only in DCRA ProjectDox





10 5
Large Water Meter Size Reduction Plan (with no other work)





21 11
Large Project Raze Only Utility Release Letter - No Abandonments





14 7
Large Project Raze Only Utility Release Letter - With Abandonments





14 7
Utility Infrastructure Only Review Fee (0 to 1,000 linear feet of water and/or sewer mains)





30 15
Utility Infrastructure Only Review Fee (1,000 – 2,500 linear feet of water and/or sewer mains)





30 15
Utility Infrastructure Only Review Fee (greater than 2,500 linear feet of water and/or sewer mains)





30 15

*Review times are estimated; Actual time may vary.

Existing Small Plan Review Fees (Service tap 2 inches or less Fee

Existing Small Plan Review Fees (Service tap 2 inches or less Fee

Standard Fee       
Current Fee 

New Fee       
Effective October 1,2022       

Expedited Review Current Fee 

New Fee       
Effective October 1,2022

Standard Review Time* (Business Days) Expedited Review Time* (Business Days)
Small Project Base Plan - 1st Submission Administrative Fee – All Small Projects


$200 **  

N/A   N/A N/A
Small Project Rejected Plan Resubmission Administrative Fee - All Small Projects



N/A   N/A N/A
Small Project Sheet and Shore - All Small Projects





14 7
Small Residential or Townhouse Project per meter connection SEE BELOW SEE BELOW SEE BELOW SEE BELOW

1 to 5 metered connections


$1,500 - each meter


$3,000- each meter

14 7

6 to 20 metered connections


$1,500 - each meter


$3,000- each meter

21 11

21 to 50 metered connections


$1,500 - each meter


$3,000- each meter

40 20

greater than 50 metered connections


$1,500 - each meter


$3,000- each meter

50 25
Small Non-Residential Project per meter connection SEE BELOW SEE BELOW SEE BELOW SEE BELOW

1-3 metered connections


$5,000 - each meter


$10,000 - each meter

21 11

4 or more metered connections


$5,000- each meter


$10,000- each meter

30 15
Small Hybrid Project per meter connection





21 11
Small Residential Approved Plan Revision (APR) per metered connection





14 7
Small Non-Residential or Hybrid APR per metered connection





21 11
Small Residential, Non-Residential or Hybrid Raze Permit Review and Utility Release Letter - No Abandonment





14 7
Small Raze Permit Review and Utility Release Letter - With Abandonments





14 7
Small Non-Residential Temporary Water Connections





21 11
Small Project Review and Sign Off - only in DCRA ProjectDox or for DCRA Walk-In Applicants



N/A 7 N/A

*Review times are estimated; Actual time may vary.   

Miscellaneous Fees

Miscellaneous Fees

Prior Fee       
Current Fee 

New Fee       
Effective October 1,2022

Expedited Review Current Fee 

New Fee       
Effective October 1,2022

Standard Review Time* (Business Days) Expedited Review Time* (Business Days
Small Residential or Townhouse Plan Excessive Submission Review (5th review or more) per meter connection



-- Based on No. of metered connections Based on No. of metered connections
Small Non-Residential and Hybrid Plan Excessive Submission Review (5th review or more)



-- Based on No. of metered connections Based on No. of metered connections
Large Plan Excessive Submission Review (5th review or more)





Request for Information (RFI)





20 10
Request for As-Built Drawings 





20 10
Water and Sewer Availability Letter





Delayed Abandonment or Waiver





14 7
Processing of Standard Easement and Covenant (Initial Document)





14 7
Processing of Non-Standard Easement and Covenant (Initial Document)





21 11
One Day Plan Design and Review and Approval (Velocity Sign-Off Program)



N/A 1 N/A

Miscellaneous Review Fees

Miscellaneous Review Fees

Current Fee 

New Fee Effective October 1, 2022

Expedited Current  

New Fee Effective October 1, 2022

Existing Sanitary or combined Sewer connection only 6” and less       
New Fee equal to small residential fee





Existing Storm sewer connection only less than 15”       
New Fee equal to small residential fee






Existing/ Proposed As-Built Fee Standard
SFU Residential service connection -Small Residential $250 - each building
Townhouses or SFU from multi-unit project $250 - each building
Small non-residential, Large service connection (per connection) $500 - each building
Small non-residential Hybrid $750 - each building
Large non-residential water service 3” or more, sewer service 8” or more, fire service 3” or more $750 - each connection
New water or sewer main (20 to 100 feet) (each) $2,500
Each additional 200 feet of water line $2,000
Each additional 400 ft. sewer main/line $2,000
If installing more than 200 linear feet or any Water line larger than 24" in diameter Determined on a per project basis
If installing more than 200 LF of sewer or any Sewer larger than 60” in diameter Determined on a per project basis

Construction Phase Customer Service Fees

Fee Name Fee
Residential Projects (including new Small Residential or Townhouse water/sewer connections, raze, temporary connection, 2” or less water meter) $500
Small Non-Residential or Hybrid (including new connections, raze, temporary connection, 2” or less water meter) $2,000
Large (including new connections, raze, sheeting and shoring, temporary connection, 3” or larger water meter) $4,500


Event and Equipment Fee 

Size of Event (Attendees) Number of DC Water Personnel Per Event (Cost per event at $90/hour per person)
100 – 2,000 2 $180/hour
2,000 – 5,000 4 $360/hour
5,000 or more 6 $540/hour


Per Unit Per Event Equipment * Current Fee 
Misting Tent* $585
Mobile Brita Hydration Station* $640
Cooling Station $450
Quench Buggy $2,650
DC Water Mascot $80

1 Refers to a per unit per event, assuming a single day event. For a multi-day event, the per unit cost would be multiplied by the number of days.

Industrial User Permitting & Sampling Fee to recover the cost of service

Fee Name Current Fee 
Waste Hauler Discharge Annual Permit Fee per Vehicle $50
Waste Hauling Disposal Fees
High strength grease trap waste $0.077 per gallon
High strength septage waste $0.077 per gallon
Domestic strength waste $0.004 per gallon
Low strength waste $0.004 per gallon

Industrial User Permit Fees

Industrial User Permit Fees Current Fee 
Permit Initial Fee $2,865
Permit Renewal Fee $955
Significant or Non-Significant Categorical Industrial User Annual Compliance Fee- 1 Outfall $3,290
Significant or Non-Significant Categorical Industrial User Annual Compliance Fee- 2 or more Outfalls $4,560
Significant Non-Categorical Industrial User Annual Compliance Fee- 1 or more Outfalls $3,290
Significant Non-Categorical Industrial User Annual Compliance Fee- 2 or more Outfalls $4,560
Non-Significant Non-Categorical Industrial User Annual Compliance Fee- 1 Outfall $745
Non-Significant Non-Categorical Industrial User Annual Compliance Fee- 2 Outfalls $955


High Strength Waste Fees  Current Fee 
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) $0.162 Per Pound
Total Suspended Solids (TSS) $0.278 Per Pound
Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen  (TKN) or Total Nitrogen (TN) $1.662 Per Pound
Total Phosphorus (TP) $5.234 Per Pound

Existing Miscellaneous Fees 

Legal Charges Unit
Witness Fee $40 + Travel Expenses
DC Water Staff Expert Witness Fee Salary + Fringe + Travel Expenses
Standard Letter and Legal Pages Photocopying (per sheet) $0.75 per sheet
FOIA Processing Fee  $10 + Staff Salary + Fringe

Upcoming Meeting

Board of Directors Meeting

April 24, 2023

Monday 9:00 AM


Piney Branch
DC Water Clean Rivers initiative gains approval for construction of Piney Branch Tunnel Project

DC Water’s Piney Branch Tunnel Project is moving ahead with construction, the next phase of the Authority’s Clean Rivers

Latest Blog Post
A helicopter lowers a drill rig to workers on the Potomac River.
DC Water begins drilling in Potomac River to explore options to rehab underwater sewer line
When one of your major sewer lines runs through the Potomac River, a backhoe and trencher won't do. That's why we've got helicopters carrying a 14-ton drill and workers suspended midair over the Potomac.
Upcoming Meeting
March 27, 2025
Thursday, 9:30 AM