DC Water to host virtual town hall With Residents Impacted by September 10 Extreme Flooding

September 15, 2020

DC Water General Manager David L. Gadis and senior members of the authority are inviting all residents who were impacted by the historic flooding on September 10 to participate in a live community meeting to discuss the event, opportunities for assistance and future prevention. Mr. Gadis will explain how the storms overwhelmed the sewer system and discuss DC Water’s new initiative to expand the installation of backwater valves, among other topics.

The meeting is aimed primarily at residents who live along the most heavily impacted areas of the flood but all DC residents are invited to participate in the call.

Who:           Virtual Town Hall to Discuss Flooding

When:         September 16, 2020, 6:30 pm.
Where:        Microsoft Teams: www.dcwater.com/flooding-town-hall

                    Telephone: (855)-756-7520 Ext. 66560 

Media may participate in the call but questions are reserved for residents with concerns or questions about the flooding. 

For more information, please visit www.dcwater.com/September10Flooding.


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