DC Water Moves Permitting Operations to Southwest DC, conveniently co-located with DCRA, DDOT and DDOE

January 19, 2012

Making the permitting process more convenient for people seeking permits, DC Water moved its Department of Permitting Operations to an office location in Southwest Washington, DC in the same office building that houses the Department of Consumer Regulatory Affairs (DCRA), the District Department of Transportation (DDOT), and the District Department of the Environment (DDOE). The location is also Metro accessible.

The new address is 1100 4th Street, SW, 3rd floor, Washington, DC 20024 and the new phone number is 202-646-8600.

Anyone beginning construction work that will affect the public water or sewer systems, either directly (such as tying into the public water or sewer lines) or indirectly (such as building renovations that change the volume of water and sewage flow), must first obtain approval from DC Water’s Department of Permit Operations, and then secure permits from the DCRA, DDOT, and DDOE.

DC Water’s Department of Permitting Operations is the starting point for most of the Authority’s permit services, providing mapping of the existing water and sewer infrastructure and answering many general questions from contractors, developers and others in the construction industry.

“DC Water strives to support the planning and permitting process,” said Chief Engineer Len Benson. “To that end, we consolidated services into one large umbrella- the DC Water Department of Permit Operations – and conveniently located it along with DCRA, DDOT, and DDOE.”

Some new fees are in effect for 2012. More information on these can be found at: http://www.dcwater.com/business/permits/fees_charges.cfm.

One new service is the option of an expedited or "fast track" review for an additional fee. Also, staff pre-screen permit submissions at intake to determine completeness so those who submit know right away if something is missing. Review fees are now assessed and collected during the submission process.

DC Water bill payments cannot be made at this location. Bills can be paid at 810 First Street, NE, online through My DC Water, or via automated payment by phone at 202-354-3600.

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