DC Water urges customers to use water wisely as Drought Watch goes into effect for DC region
Dry conditions, extreme heat, and lower-than-normal water levels in the Potomac River are raising concerns about the potential for severe drought. Based on these conditions, a Drought Watch was issued today by the Drought Coordination Committee of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG). Wise water use is encouraged to conserve resources.
DC Water is monitoring conditions in coordination with COG and regional water utilities. Customers are encouraged to utilize simple steps to conserve water and reduce demand due to drought conditions.
“Each and every one of us has a role to help maintain an adequate water supply and protect the health of the river,” said DC Water CEO David Gadis. “Voluntary conservation measures, no matter how small, will go a long way in our efforts to ensure we can continue to provide this critical resource to the homes and businesses we serve.”
Little things you can do to make a big difference include:
Don't let water run when you brush your teeth.
Limit showers to five minutes or less.
Check for leaks and fix them immediately.
When washing dishes by hand, don’t let the water run.
Only run the dishwasher when full.
Adjust the load size when washing clothes or do only full loads.
Water plants and yard when it's cool, early morning or evening, and only when needed.
Use mulch in the garden and around shrubs to save moisture.
Find more water conservation tips at DCWater.com.
The Potomac River is the main source of water for much of the region, including DC Water customers. Despite recent rainfall, the drought risk remains with hot, dry conditions expected to persist.
A Drought Watch is the second stage in a four-part Drought Awareness Plan developed by COG. The next step, Drought Warning, calls for additional water restrictions that could be made mandatory should conditions reach a Drought Emergency.