Find It! Fix It! New Program Offers Free Leak Assessments and Repairs for Customers in Need

Don’t let another dollar go down the drain. DC Water is launching a new program to help eligible customers find leaks and fix them for free. Our new Residential Leak Assessment and Repair Assistance program could also be a big money saver if leaks are driving up the cost of your water service.
Under the program we’ll send a licensed plumber to your home to check your property for leaks on some of the most common culprits – toilets, faucets, outdoor spigots, and more. A dripping faucet, for example, could result in the loss of as much as 10,000 gallons of water a month. For the average family of four, that could add more than $250 to your monthly bill.
Once the plumber finishes the leak inspection, a detailed checklist of any leaks found will be provided along with a list of approved plumbers to fix any issues. We’ve partnered with the DC Office of Energy and Environment to cover the costs. A special fund has been established to pay for the repairs as long as money remains available.
DC Water customers enrolled in our CAP+, CAP1, or CAP2 customer assistance programs are eligible for the leak assessments and free repairs. If you’re not signed up for one of those programs, apply now to enroll. You’ll not only receive discounts on your monthly bill, but you will also be eligible for this program.
The new program is provided as part of our DC Water Cares program, dedicated to providing financial assistance and support to our customers. In 2024, DC Water provided $5.2 million in subsidies to nearly 5,000 customers, and we gave out more than $112,000 in assistance through our SPLASH (Serving People, Lending A Supporting Hand) program to help another 339 customers in need.
For more information about our customer assistance programs and how to apply, go to the Leak Assessment and Repair or our Financial Assistance pages at