Just for the clean of it! Time to Disinfect the Pipes Starting March 24
It’s that time of year, when you start your spring cleaning and DC Water does too! Beginning on March 24 through May 4, we’ll be disinfecting our 1300 miles of water lines. It’s part of routine maintenance every spring to keep the pipes clean and free of any harmful bacteria.
During this time, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Washington Aqueduct, which supplies water to DC Water, will temporarily switch from a chloramine disinfectant to chlorine. This won’t affect the safety of your tap water, but you may notice a slight change in smell and taste.
“The health, safety, and well being of our customers is paramount,” said Chief Executive Officer and General Manager David Gadis. “Keeping up with this type of preventative maintenance not only protects the health and safety of our community, but our ability to maintain an equitable, reliable, resilient and sustainable water supply to our customers throughout the District.”
The process, known as “chlorine burning,” keeps the water lines as clean as possible by essentially “burning” away any bacteria or biofilm buildup in the system. It’s standard practice for water utilities nationwide.
Disinfecting drinking water is critical to protecting public health. The practice has made a significant impact on disease prevention, leading to a drop in outbreaks of bacterial diseases over the past century.
As a safeguard, the water is monitored closely during this time to ensure it continues to meet the Environmental Protection Agency’s water quality standards.
If you experience issues with the taste or smell of the water during the clean out period you can run your cold water tap for about two minutes and use a standard water filter. Another option is to put a pitcher of water in the refrigerator for a few hours for the taste and smell to subside.
Customers who take special precautions to remove chloramine from tap water should continue such methods during the temporary switch to chlorine disinfectant. As always, those with special concerns should consult their health care provider.
For more information, please visit dcwater.com/chlorine-switch.
DC Water customers may also call 202-612-3440 (Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.) or our 24-hour Command Center at 202-612-3400.