Next Lead Free DC Webinar to Highlight Restoring Your Yard, New Expanded Dashboard

March 07, 2025
Lead Fee DC workers at home getting lead service line replacement

Replace your lead service line for free and make your yard, street, and sidewalks good as new after construction may sound too good to be true, but it’s not. On Thursday, March 13, join DC Water as we walk you through the construction process and answer your questions about our Lead Free DC (LFDC) program.  

During our next quarterly webinar, our team will highlight what the replacement process entails, timeline expectations, and what we do to restore your neighborhood. It’s one of the most frequent questions we get on our LFDC hotline.  

We’ll also share important updates about the program, including our new and improved LFDC dashboard. In addition to our lead service line inventory and construction maps, you can also track our progress. We’ve got information on the number of replacements completed, how many remain, how many lead service lines have been verified and more.  

“We’re committed to showing transparency in our work, showing everyone our progress, and hosting discussions that will keep advancing our goal to replace all lead service lines.”  said DC Water CEO and General Manager David L. Gadis.  “We want to engage and empower our community as much as possible to understand what’s at stake and how Lead Free DC can help.” 

Join us on March 13 to learn more about our program and get answers to your questions: 

Who:  DC Water Lead Free DC Program
What:  Lead Free DC public meeting/webinar 
When:  Thursday, March 13, 2025 
12:00 p.m-1:00 p.m. 
Where:  Join by Teams (please register in advance):  
Call-in at 202-753-6714 (Phone Conference ID: 242 181 917#) 

If you’re unable to join, a recording will be posted on DC Water’s YouTube channel. 

For additional information and to view our new, improved LFDC Dashboard, go to  


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