Cooling Towers and Irrigation Meters

Contact 202-612-3500 to schedule a service order to install a meter on cooling towers or irrigation systems. The service must be “meter ready,” meaning that the service must already have meter connections present. Services must not be installed above 4 feet from the ground or less than 17 inches from the ground and safely accessible for our technicians. Failure to meet these requirements may result in loss of credits for your sewer charges.

Upcoming Meeting

Board of Directors Meeting

April 24, 2023

Monday 9:00 AM


West Potomac Park Drive SW
West Potomac Park Drive SW: New Roadway Opening

(Washington, DC) – DC Water will open West Potomac Park Drive SW, a new road constructed as a part of the Potomac River Tunnel (PRT) Project, on Mo

Latest Blog Post
Photo of Great Falls of the Potomac River with fast moving rapids going over the falls
The Critical Need for a More Resilient Water Source and Protecting the One We Have
Source Water Protection Week highlights the case for second water source.
Upcoming Meeting
January 9, 2025
Thursday, 2:30 PM

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