Meters and Meter Reading

Learn more about various aspects of meter reading and meter use at DC Water.


Per DCMR Title 21, Chapter 308, DC Water has the right to estimate consumption for a period of time. Customers may receive an estimated bill due to factors such as extreme weather conditions or an inaccessible meter. When a bill is estimated, the usage is based on previous consumption patterns.


Customers may provide meter readings for locations that are not transmitting and are not easily accessible by our technicians. Meter readings provided by customers must be captured and submitted during the monthly read schedule. DC Water will make every attempt to use the provided reading, however, there may be situations where the read cannot be used.

Steps for submitting a meter read:
1.Take a clear picture of the meter register including all the dials.
2.Ensure the picture includes the date/time stamp and the meter ID.
3.Email the picture to


Per DCMR Title 21, Chapter 303, DC Water must always be able to access the water meter. Failure to allow DC Water to read, repair, maintain, or replace the water meter may result in estimated readings, and additional fees for manual meter readings may be applied to your monthly water bill. Please remove mulch, landscaping, cars, or other obstructions blocking access to your water meter, especially meters located inside residences.


Per DCMR Title 21, Chapter 304, In the event that DC Water is unable to read, repair, maintain, or replace the water meter due to a condition that must be remedied by the customer, a repair notice may be issued. This notice advises customers which deficiencies must be corrected. Customers have 14 days to rectify the issue before further actions are taken, including fees and estimated bills. Call 202-612-3500 for assistance.


Customers may receive credit on the sewer charges ONLY when utilizing DC Water meters on their cooling towers and irrigation systems. DC Water will calculate the amount of water NOT returning to the sewer through these processes and provide a credit on the sewer charges accordingly.

Requirements for receiving sewer credits
All cooling tower configurations require at least a:
1)Make-up (Sewer Subtractive) Meter, and a
2)Blow Down (Sewer Additive) Meter.

Irrigation systems require only an irrigation submeter. There must also be actual reads on the main meter and the submeters to receive the credit. Although DC Water is responsible for installing submeters, customers are responsible for ensuring that DCW is able to receive transmissions from the submeters. Customers may need to install conduit for the transmitting device to be installed outside of the property or at a more favorable location inside. When installing plumbing for cooling tower and irrigation meters, make certain that meters are installed no higher than 4 feet from the ground and are at least 17 inches from the ground for safe accessibility by our technicians. 

Contact 202-612-3500 to schedule a service order to install a meter on cooling towers or irrigation systems.
The service must be “meter ready,” meaning that the service must already have meter connections present.
Failure to meet these requirements may result in loss of credits for your sewer charges. 


Meters may only be removed from a property under the following circumstances:
1) Property is being razed and an appropriate raze/abandonment permit has been issued.
2) Property is undergoing renovations and the service line is being upgraded.

Meters are not removed from vacant properties, or moved to other locations. Meter Returns are accepted at 301 Bryant ST NW on Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays from, 9 AM to 12 PM and MUST by scheduled by calling 202-612-3500 or by emailing to ensure personnel is present to receive the meter.


DC Water can read most water meters in the District of Columbia electronically, so there's typically no need for you to read your water meter. However, DC Water provides the information below in case you want to read your water meter and calculate your monthly fees. We discourage accessing water meters located outside because removing and replacing the covers can be a safety hazard.

Follow these simple steps to figure out your water usage each month:
1. Note and record the "read" number on your water meter on the first of the month.
2. Record the "read" number at the end of the month.
3. Take the end-of-the-month number and subtract the first-of-the-month number from it. DC Water bills in hundred cubic feet (ccf) units of measure and only charges for whole units. So, when reading your meter, disregard the numbers on the black background, because they are fractions. In the example below, the current reading is 8 ccfs. After subtracting 0 (the first-of-the-month reading), the total is 8 ccfs.

Previous Read: 0 0 0 0 0 0

Current Read: 0 0 0 8 4 4 (read as "8")

TOTAL CONSUMPTION: 8-0000 = 8ccf



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April 24, 2023

Monday 9:00 AM


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Wednesday, 9:30 AM