Potomac River Tunnel: Tunnel Forum Meeting


DC Water invites you to a virtual community meeting on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. The Potomac River Tunnel project team will provide overviews of the project and the Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) 022 Construction Site located at the Rock Creek Trail west of the Watergate Complex.


To join the virtual meeting via Microsoft Teams meeting: rebrand.ly/TunnelForumJan2025

Dial-in option (audio only): 202-753-6714 Webinar ID: 912 152 431#


Project Email: dcpotomacrivertunnel@dcwater.com
Project Website: www.dcwater.com/prt
Dedicated Project Hotline: 202-972-1388
DC Water 24-hour Emergency: 202-612-3400

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April 24, 2023

Monday 9:00 AM


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A helicopter lowers a drill rig to workers on the Potomac River.
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Thursday, 9:30 AM

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