Christopher Herrington
Christopher Herrington currently serves as the Director of Public Works and Environmental Services for Virginia's Fairfax County, an American Public Works Association accredited department responsible for the County's wastewater, storm water, solid waste, capital facility development, and urban forest management functions. Prior to joining Fairfax County in July 2021, he served as the Environmental Officer for the City of Austin, Texas, and retired after more than 25 years of service with Austin's Watershed Protection Department.
With a BS in Biology and an MS in Civil Engineering, both from the University of Texas at Austin, his dual technical background in environmental engineering and ecology provide a more complete perspective on the interactions of built and natural communities. He is a licensed professional engineer in Texas, and has authored or co-authored more than 40 watershed protection publications.
During his career in Texas, Christopher led a wide range of local and regional strategic planning, environmental protection, and urban development regulation projects. He was involved in citywide integrated water management planning, endangered species protection, urban forest management, regional land conservation, watershed restoration, wastewater management, and community climate plan implementation efforts.
Christopher is deeply committed to advancing environmental justice, ensuring equity in the delivery of effective public services, and creating opportunities for inclusive community engagement. In Fairfax County, Christopher is working to advance the progress of the Department of Public Works and Environmental Services in achieving the equitable and inclusive policies of One Fairfax.