Sarah Motsch

Sarah Motsch

Alternate Board Member

Sarah Motsch is the Engineering Support Branch Manager at the Noman M. Cole Jr Pollution Control Plant.  She has worked with Fairfax County's Wastewater Management Program for over fifteen years and has a background in process, capital programs, and environmental regulatory compliance.  She is a registered engineer and holds a Class I wastewater operator license in the Commonwealth of Virginia. 

Upcoming Meeting

Board of Directors Meeting

April 24, 2023

Monday 9:00 AM


Piney Branch
DC Water Clean Rivers initiative gains approval for construction of Piney Branch Tunnel Project

DC Water’s Piney Branch Tunnel Project is moving ahead with construction, the next phase of the Authority’s Clean Rivers

Latest Blog Post
A helicopter lowers a drill rig to workers on the Potomac River.
DC Water begins drilling in Potomac River to explore options to rehab underwater sewer line
When one of your major sewer lines runs through the Potomac River, a backhoe and trencher won't do. That's why we've got helicopters carrying a 14-ton drill and workers suspended midair over the Potomac.
Upcoming Meeting
March 20, 2025
Thursday, 9:30 AM

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