DC Water has identified a number of broken valves along water mains throughout the Capitol View, Marshall Heights, Benning Ridge, Fort Dupont and Fort Davis Park neighborhoods (see area map on back). Due to the current condition of these valves, many area residential customers have been experiencing moderate-to-low water pressure. In direct response to this issue, DC Water is set to perform some emergency work to replace these valves in an effort to address this long-standing issue for some of our valued customers. In addition to increased water pressure, other benefits of this emergency work include improved water quality and system reliability, and adequate flows throughout the system. Please see schedule and other important information below.


• Construction start: Monday, April 4, 2022

• Completed: Friday, April 8, 2022

Please note the construction schedule is highly dependent upon favorable weather conditions. Should we need to extend our activities beyond these posted dates due to inclement weather and/or other unforeseen circumstances, we will update you accordingly.


• DC Water will employ innovative construction technologies to minimize impacts to the extent possible for this emergency valve replacement project.

• The use of this innovative technology will limit water isolation to the area shown on the map. During the valve replacement work, we will need to temporarily shut off water service to impacted customers in this area for 12- 14 hours. Customers will receive notification of this water service interruption 48 hours in advance.

• While we anticipate a routine operation, and are doing everything we can to ensure this outcome, there is a slight possibility that we could encounter an issue during the work that may warrant issuance of a Boil Water Advisory (BWA). We are being transparent by informing stakeholders in advance and giving them an opportunity to prepare or to make alternate plans, should a BWA occur.

• DC Water is also being proactive by mobilizing our resources, so that we are prepared in case it comes to a BWA.

• We understand the criticality of open and consistent communications during these kinds of events, so during a BWA we would provide regular updates, as well as make ourselves available to address all questions/concernsfrom our community stakeholders.

• We view this as a unique situation where we have identified that a BWA could occur, and can actually prepare both our stakeholders and ourselves well in advance.

• Though the national expectation is for all residents to be prepared to be self-sufficient for 72 hours in an emergency, whether a natural disaster or man-made, we recognize vulnerable populations may not have the resources or ability. Therefore, DC Water is doing its part to make some resources available, should the need arise.

• Construction may cause temporary discolored water or low water pressure. If you experience discolored water, flush cold water taps for 15 minutes. If water does not clear, contact the DC Water Department of Water Quality and Technology or 24-hr Emergency/Command Center.


• Lane closures may be required with approved traffic plans by the District Department of Transportation (DDOT).

• Notifications regarding “No-Parking” zones will be posted 72 hours prior to construction, in certain areas in and around the job site, as required by DDOT.


DC Water is currently working closely with DDOT to ensure minimal disruption during this project.

Regular updates will also be provided to all community stakeholders, including impacted residents, Advisory Neighborhood

Commissions 7E and 7F, Ward 7 representatives in the Mayor’s Office of Community Relations and Services, and Ward 7 Councilmember Vincent Gray and members of his staff


Contact Information

for more information, please contact:

DC Water Project Manager: Sylvia Okogi (202) 612-3585 /

DC Water Project Contractor: Fort Myer Construction Corporation – Stephen Dixon (202-316-7850)

DC Water Department of Water Quality and Technology: (202) 612-3440 (8am to 4pm, Monday through Friday)

DC Water 24-hr Emergency/Command Center: (202) 612-3400

DC Water Office of Marketing and Communications: (202) 787-2200

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Board of Directors Meeting

April 24, 2023

Monday 9:00 AM


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