Clean Rivers Green Infrastructure Projects at DC Water Facilities

Fort Reno Plants


As part of its Consent Decree requirements, DC Water implemented Green Infrastructure (GI) at DC Water facilities to reduce the volume of stormwater entering the combined sewer system. The GI implemented under this project includes:

  • Fort Reno Reservoir: 42,400 square feet of green roof and 8,400 square feet of pervious pavement
  • Anacostia Water Pumping Station: 1,000 square feet of pervious pavement and 1,500 square feet of bioretention
  • East Side Pumping Station: 6,600 square feet of green roof

These GI facilities were designed to capture precipitation from at least 90% of the storms in an average year. DC Water performs ongoing maintenance to ensure long-term performance of the facilities and pre/post-construction monitoring is providing data to improve future GI design, construction, operation and maintenance.





Construction of GI at DC Water Facilities was completed in accordance with the Consent Decree schedule.  Ongoing regular maintenance activities began in January 2014 and continue today.

clean river
Clean Rivers

The Clean Rivers Project is DC Water's ongoing program to reduce combined sewer overflows into the District's waterways - the Anacostia and Potomac Rivers and Rock Creek. The Project is a massive infrastructure and support program designed to capture and clean water during heavy rainfalls before it ever reaches our rivers.

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April 24, 2023

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Thursday, 1:30 PM

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