Local Sanitary and Combined Sewers Inspection and Cleaning Forest Hills Neighborhood - Advisory Neighborhood Commission 3F



DC Water will be conducting routine inspection and cleaning of the sanitary and combined sewer lines and manholes in the Forest Hills neighborhood (please see work location map on back). This initiative will help in monitoring the structural condition of the sewer network components as it naturally continues to age. In addition, the inspection will help in observing the locations with debris and other maintenance-related issues which are related to backups in the combined sewer system in this area. Once debris is identified in the sewer pipes or manholes, DC Water can take necessary actions to clean the system efficiently, and with minimal disturbance in the neighborhood. To ensure proper coordination, this project will be carried out in phases. Phase 1 of the project will be starting very soon (please see schedule below), and notification will be provided prior to each subsequent phase, as well. DC Water will work closely with DDOT and local community stakeholders throughout this project to minimize noise, traffic and other impacts to the extent possible. 



  • Manhole Inspections – Each manhole in the project area will be inspected to assess its current condition and determine whether any repair is needed.
  • Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Inspection – A robotic camera will be placed inside select sewer pipes to photograph/evaluate their structural condition.
  • Multi-Sensor Inspection (MSI) – Where needed, a more detailed inspection of select sewer pipes will be executed by using a more complex set-up of robotic camera to determine the size and extent of the structural defects in the sewers.
  • Pipe and Manhole Cleaning – Pressurized water cleaning will be used to remove foreign materials, objects and debris from the sewer system to allow access for inspection, and to help restore the system’s full flow capacity.  




  • Overall Project Schedule: April 2022 through March 2025
  • Phase 1: Estimated Manhole Inspections start: April 2022
  • Phase 1: Estimated CCTV Inspection start: April 2022
  • Phase 1: Estimated completion of all activities: June 2022
  • Normal work hours within the public right of way: 7:00am – 7:00pm, Monday – Saturday
  • Normal work hours inside National Park areas: 8:00am – 5:00pm, Monday – Friday 
  • The schedule for field work is highly dependent upon favorable weather conditions.  



  • CCTV inspections will require access to the sewer through existing manholes in the area (there is no excavation or digging involved in this project). These, as well as manhole and stormwater inspections, may intermittently necessitate the partial or full closure of local roads, and may affect access or parking in the area. Notice will be given in advance of any needed closures or other prohibited access. Ideally, street closures will occur during the day and most likely will be for a block or two at a time, and will last for a few hours.
  • CCTV inspections will be mostly done during the day. If significant flow is observed during the day, these inspections may be done at night when flows are lower.
  • Door hanger notifications will be distributed 2 to 5 business days in advance of sewer inspection in your area. More information and instructions will be included on the door hangers. Additionally, DC Water will be providing email notification to inform stakeholders about these inspections.


Contact Information

DC Water Project Community Liaison: Emanuel Briggs (202) 787-2003, emanuel.briggs@dcwater.com   
DC Water Project Manager:  Tatiana Baranova, PE (202) 787-2264, Tatiana.baranova@dcwater.com 
DC Water Project Contractor:  RedZone Robotics, Inc. – Nick Proksell, (412) 927- 2592
DC Water 24-hr Emergency/Command Center: (202) 612-3400
DC Water Office of Marketing and Communications: (202) 787-2200


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