Terms and Conditions

EFT, RCC, One-Time Electronic Check Only

Electronic Bill Payment Terms and Conditions

This Electronic Bill Payment Access User Agreement ("Agreement") is provided by the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (DC Water) to govern the use of Pay-by-Web Electronic Bill Payment Service (Pay Bill). The “Terms and Conditions” set forth in this Agreement govern your use of Pay Bill. By clicking “I agree”, you are consenting to be bound by the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement, which may be modified and/or amended at any time by DC Water. You further agree that your use of Pay Bill constitutes your acknowledgement that you have read this Agreement and have retained a copy for your records. You will not be allowed to use Pay Bill until you have read and accepted these Terms and Conditions.

The following definitions apply to this Agreement: 
"Account" is defined as the water and sewer services you are being provided by DC Water.

"Business Day" is defined as Monday through Friday, excluding Federal Holidays.

“Due Date" is the date reflected on your bill by which the payment is due.

“Funding Account” is the financial account (checking or credit card account) from which payments are debited or charged to pay bill.

“I”, “me”, “my”, "you" or "your" shall mean or refer to each and every person signing this authorization, and the person, persons or entities in whose name the account is carried on the books of DC Water.

"Payment Instructions” mean the information provided by you to schedule a bill payment to be made to Payee, subject to the limitations of this Agreement.

“Scheduled Payment” is a payment that has been scheduled through Pay Bill but has not begun processing.

"Service" means Pay Bill offered by DC Water.

"Us", "Our", "We", and "Payee" shall mean DC Water and all of its affiliates and subsidiaries.


  1. You understand and agree that by clicking Pay Bill you will be linking to and accessing an electronic billing and payment facility website which is owned and operated by a third-party company who has sole control of, and exclusive responsibility for the security, data, information exchange and any and all transactions on Pay Bill.
  2. You understand that by using Pay Bill you acknowledge that your personal financial information will be electronically transmitted.
  3. You understand that access to, and use of Pay Bill is subject to any terms and conditions of use, privacy and/or otherwise set forth on the site and herein.
  4. From time to time, and without notice to you, DC Water may revise or update this Agreement, including any fees or charges (if any) related thereto, or cease providing access to Pay Bill at any time. You understand that it is your responsibility to read and review the terms of this Agreement each time you access Pay Bill to authorize a transaction.

On-Line Bill Payment Help 
The Pay Bill Help document details how to use the Pay Bill service. As a part of this Agreement, you agree to become familiar with the information contained in the Pay Bill Help document prior to using the Pay Bill service. The Pay Bill Help document may be reviewed online, and may also be accessed during your session by clicking the Help button. All information contained in the Pay Bill Help document and any updates to it are part of this Agreement.

Pay Bill allows DC Water customers to access information for and initiate transactions from their funding accounts to pay their bills electronically. Such services include but are not limited to the following:

  • View Account information.
  • Modify/Cancel Payments. You may stop payment of a pre-authorized payment from your account by terminating your Pay Bill account not less than five (5) business days before the scheduled date of the payment. Using this method to stop your payment, will discontinue your Pay Bill account, and you will have to re-enroll to use the service for future transactions. If you contact the financial institution where funding deposits will be paid from to request a stop payment, you will be responsible for any fees or charges assessed by your financial institution for this request.
  • Report Account problems, request information, or order changes to Account information or services via a secured communication channel.

Customer Authorization
In using Pay Bill, you are authorizing DC Water to make payments for you from your designated funding account. It is also understood that by accessing Pay Bill, you are solely responsible for (1) paying your bill timely, regardless of your method of payment; (2) monitoring your DC Water account to ensure timely payment; and (3) monitoring your funding account to verify that it can make electronic payments, that funds are available to make the transaction, that transactions have been processed, and to identify any issues related to transfers.

In order to process payments more efficiently and effectively, DC Water may edit or alter payment data or data formats in accordance with the instructions that you provide via Pay Bill. For transactions only, you understand and acknowledge that DC Water does not perform any identity verification on any funding account. You certify that any funding account you add to your profile is an account from which you are legally authorized to use for transactions using Pay Bill. You regard requests for account services, instructions to change existing account information or services, and other communication received via Pay Bill as legal endorsements. As such, all correspondence initiated via Pay Bill shall command the same legal authority of a written request authorized by your signature and hand.

Customer Service 
You may contact DC Water by calling 1-202-354-3600. Customer Service Professionals are available to assist you Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Customer Service Professionals may provide assistance only within the guidelines set forth by DC Water and as required by law. Customer Service Professionals are not authorized to negotiate any of the terms of this Agreement or the terms of your DC Water service.

Although DC Water has endeavored to create a secure and reliable service, the confidentiality or security of any communication transmitted or accessible over the internet and through its Pay Bill service cannot be guaranteed. DC Water does encrypt your personal information on our systems and in transmission via Pay Bill and complies with all applicable laws in handling such information. Accordingly, DC Water and its agents and affiliates are not responsible for the security of any information transmitted or accessed using the internet. Actual or attempted unauthorized use of the Pay Bill service may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution.

DC Water does charge you a convenience fee when using a debit or credit card. Additionally, your financial institution may charge you fees related to your scheduled payment, including transaction fees or fees for attempting payments without sufficient funds. If the transaction is refused by your financial institution for any reason, including, but not limited to, insufficient funds, closed account, or unauthorized account, DC Water will not be able to process your payment. DC Water reserves the right to collect from you any additional fees, as permitted by law, resulting from insufficient funds.

Payment Obligations
Non-recurring credit card payments made before 12:00 PM will be posted the same business day; payments made after 12:00 PM will be posted the next business day.

E-Checks payments made before 8:00 PM will be posted the next business day; payments made after 8:00 PM will be posted in two business days.

You are solely responsible for making payments prior to the due date, and you are solely responsible for any late fees charged by DC Water for payments not made timely. Late fees for any payments made using Pay Bill are the same as the late fees charged for mailed payments. Pay Bill is designed to be available seven (7) days a week, 24 hours a day, and DC Water will endeavor to update account balance and activity information daily. However, DC Water shall not be liable for any inability to access Pay Bill or for its failure to update any information, for whatever reason.

If you save your banking information for reoccurring use in Pay Bill, and need to update your funding account information, you can do so online. However, to the extent this information requires updating, and such updates are not made prior to the applicable payment deadline (as discussed in detail above), all applicable additional charges, including, but not limited to, late fees, may be assessed.

Password and Security
For authenticated transactions via Pay Bill, you must use your User ID and Password. You agree not to give or make available your password or other means to access Pay Bill to any unauthorized individuals. You are responsible for all payments you authorize using Pay Bill. If you permit Authorized Users or other persons to use Pay Bill or your password or other means to access Pay Bill, you are responsible for transactions made. If you believe that your password has been lost or stolen, or that someone may attempt to use Pay Bill without your consent or has transferred money without your permission, you must immediately notify DC Water’s customer service department during customer service hours.

Liability for Unauthorized Payments and Processing Errors
If you believe that someone has made an unauthorized payment through Pay Bill without your permission or that there was a transaction error, you should contact your financial institution that holds the funding account immediately. You are solely responsible for any unauthorized payments, although your financial institution may provide some form of fraud protection. You should also contact DC Water by calling Customer Service at 202-354-3600, during customer service hours, or write: District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority - Attn: Online Payment Service Program, 5000 Overlook Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20032. DC Water must hear from you within sixty (60) days after the first financial statement on which the problem appeared was sent to you. Please provide your name and DC Water account number, describe the error or transfer about which you are unsure, why you believe there is an error, and the dollar amount of the suspected error. If you dispute the transaction orally, DC Water may request that you submit a written complaint within ten (10) business days. DC Water will inform you as to the result of the investigation within ten (10) business days after it hears from you and will correct any error promptly. If more time is needed, however, DC Water may take up to thirty (30) days from receipt of notice of error or dispute to investigate your complaint or questions. DC Water will determine whether an error occurred within ten (10) business days after we hear from you and will correct any error promptly. DC Water may provisionally credit your account within ten (10) business days in the amount that is in error or disputed, so that you will have the use of the money during the time it takes to complete our investigation. No provisional credit will be applied if DC Water does not receive a written complaint within ten (10) business days from the date that you first provided oral notice of the issue or dispute. If no error is found, DC Water will contact you within three (3) business days after the investigation is completed, and provide you with a written explanation. You may request copies of the documents that DC Water used in its investigation.

For errors involving new Accounts, point-of-sale, or foreign-initiated transactions, DC Water may take up to thirty (30) days to investigate your complaint or questions. For new Accounts, we may take up to twenty (20) business days to provisionally credit your account for the amount you think is in error or dispute.

DC Water's Liability for Failure to Make Bill Payments
DC Water will use its best efforts to fulfill all payment instructions and requests reasonably received via Pay Bill. If DC Water does not complete a bill payment to your account on time or in the correct amount according to your instructions and the provisions of this Agreement, we will be liable for all losses not to exceed the amount of the bill payment. However, DC Water shall incur no liability because of the existence of any one or more of the following circumstances:

  1. If transaction instructions are not actually received by DC Water to process your payment.
  2. If, through no fault of DC Water, your funding account does not permit electronic payments to be processed, does not contain sufficient funds to complete the transaction, or the transaction would exceed the credit limit of your overdraft account;
  3. Pay Bill is not working properly and you have knowledge or have been advised by DC Water about the malfunction before you execute the transaction;
  4. You have not provided Pay Bill with the correct funding account information, or the correct name, address, phone number or account information;
  5. If the financial institution that holds your funding account fails to effectuate a transfer, causing errors during processing;
  6. If there is an allegation of fraudulent activity on either the billing or funding account;
  7. If the funding account is subject to a legal process or other encumbrance restricting such transfer; 
  8. Circumstances beyond the control of DC Water (such as, but not limited to, fire, flood, or interference from an outside force) that prevent the proper execution of the transaction; and/or
  9. If other rules, regulations or agreements of DC Water so provide.

Termination, Changes, Assignment, Insufficient Funds
DC Water is under no obligation to provide the Pay Bill service and may in its sole discretion and at any time without notice, modify, revoke access to or no longer offer the service.  DC Water will attempt to provide you with prior notice of suspension or termination of Pay Bill, but DC Water will not be liable for any failure to do so. Neither termination nor discontinuation of Pay Bill shall affect your liability for transactions initiated through this service or your obligation to pay the charges on your billing statement from DC Water.

DC Water reserves the right to assign the obligation to process financial transactions to a third party.  It is your responsibility to ensure that you have sufficient funds to cover each transfer, and that your funding account can make electronic payments.  DC Water reserves the right to collect from you any additional fees, as permitted by law, resulting from insufficient funds.  DC Water also has the option in its sole discretion, to flag your account as a "Cash Only" account if a transaction cannot be completed due to insufficient funds, cancellation, stop payment, fraud or otherwise, and terminate you from the Pay Bill service. If you are unenrolled from the service, DC Water will not accept electronic payments or personal checks from you during the following twelve-month period. In the event that you become unenrolled for any reason from the Pay Bill service, it is your sole responsibility to make all bill payments due to DC Water on a timely basis.

You may withdraw from Pay Bill at any time by unregistering your billing account.

Privacy Notice
By Agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you acknowledge that DC Water will receive certain personal information when you use the Pay Bill service, and that you are voluntarily providing this information.  DC Water’s general policy is to treat your account information as confidential. We will not rent, sell, or otherwise make available to any third-party that identifies you or payments that you make through its Pay Bill service, other than to process your payment or comply with applicable laws, rules, or regulations.  DC Water will disclose pursuant to its Privacy Statement at https://www.dcwater.com/privacy.

No Waiver 
DC Water shall not be deemed to have waived any of its rights or remedies hereunder unless such waiver is in writing and signed by DC Water. No delay or omission on the part of DC Water in exercising any rights or remedies shall operate as a waiver of such rights or remedies or any other rights or remedies. A waiver on any one occasion shall not be construed as a bar or waiver of any rights or remedies on future occasions.

Exclusion of Warranties and Limitation of Liability

You may not assign this Agreement to any other party.  DC Water may assign this Agreement to any future, directly or indirectly, affiliated company. DC Water may also assign or delegate certain of its rights and responsibilities under this Agreement to independent contractors or other third parties.

Alterations and Amendments
DC Water reserves the right to change the Pay Bill service and this Agreement, including fees and service charges, in our sole discretion from time to time, without notice to you except as required by applicable law. DC Water also reserves the right to change, by adding or deleting, payee(s) that can receive payments through the Pay Bill service.

If you do not agree to any amendments, you may stop using the Pay Bill service and terminate this Agreement. Any use of the service after DC Water provides you a notice of change will constitute your agreement to such change(s).

Further, DC Water may, from time to time, revise or update the user screens, services, and/or related material, which may render all such prior versions obsolete. Consequently, DC Water reserves the right to terminate this Agreement as to all such prior versions of the user screens, services, and/or related material and limit access to only Pay Bill’s more recent revisions and updates.

Applicable Law 
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the District of Columbia and the United States, without regard to conflict of law provisions.

Copyright Information 
All logos, service marks, trade names and trademarks contained within this site are the sole property of DC Water or its agents. It is prohibited for anyone to use such trademarks without the written consent of DC Water. This site may also contain such logos and trademarks of some third party, in which case it is also prohibited to use these marks without consent.

The content contained in this site is protected by copyright law. It is prohibited for users to display, distribute, publish, sell, transmit, license, and create derivative works or to use any content that is contained on DC Water’s website for any purpose whatsoever. Any unauthorized use of this information may be punishable by law.

If you are not an authorized user or if you do not consent to continued monitoring of activity on the system, please exit the system now.

Copyright © 2017 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY (DC Water), Inc., all Rights Reserved | Contact Us at 1-202-354-3600.