Water and Sewer Availability Certificate
What does it mean? DC Water does not issue building permits. Building permits are processed and issued by DCRA. However, in order to obtain a building permit when a connection to the public water and/or sewer mains is required, the applicant must obtain a Water and Sewer Availability Certificate (WSAC) from DC Water. The WSAC is the final approval document that the applicant will receive from DC Water. It signifies that the plans are in accordance with DC Water's design requirements and guidelines and all fees have been paid.
Does this apply to me? A WSAC is completed for all projects that entail a connection to the water and/or sewer system, a temporary water connection, the raze of an existing building, a foundation to grade permit, or a sheeting and shoring permit.
When do I apply?
  1. First, the applicant must first obtain approval from DDOE for Erosion & Sediment Control and/or Stormwater Management.
  2. Second, the applicant must provide DC Water with a copy or scan of the approved sheets from DDOE.
  3. Third, the applicant must apply for a building permit application from DCRA.
  4. Forth, the plans must obtain preliminary approval from DC Water staff for general conformance with DC Water design standards.
  5. Fifth, the applicant will be provided a estimate for inspection fees and deposits by the DC Water reviewer to be paid prior to release of the plans
  6. Once the above steps are complete the applicant will receive stamped plans, receipt for paid fees and the Water and Sewer Availability Certificate (WSAC).
What do I need to submit?
  1. One copy of pages 1 and 2 from the DCRA Building Permit Application
  2. Four full size bond copies of the approved Preliminary Plans stamped and signed by DC Water
  3. One full size bond copy of the stamped approved ESC/SWM plans from the DDOE
Where do I go and apply?

DC Water's Permit Operations Department issues Water and Sewer Availability Certificates located at :

DC Water
1385 Canal Street SW - 3rd Floor
Washington, DC 20003

How long will it take?

This depends upon the completeness of the applicant and the time required to pay the fees. However, in general:

  • For services 3" and larger: approximately 6 weeks
  • For services 2" and smaller: approximately 4 weeks
What do I Receive?

You receive a 3" x 5" slip of paper titled Water and Sewer Availability Certificate identifying each water and sewer connection request. This certificate must be presented to DCRA prior to receiving a building permit.

Note: This approval expires six months after the issuance date if the applicant has not received a building permit by then.

What are DC Water's fees for this?
  • For new water service 3" in diameter and larger, a deposit is taken based on an estimate of inspection services required by DC Water for the project. As applicable, this includes:
    1. Inspection of new public water and/or sewer infrastructure
    2. Inspection of new water service connection to a public water main which includes water main shut-down
    3. Inspection of new sewer connection to a public sewer main (wye or manhole)
    4. At the concrete manufacturing plant, inspection of all precast concrete structures to be installed in public space
    5. DC Water to operate valves and perform system shutdowns as necessary to perform the work.

For services 2" in diameter and smaller, a fixed fee based on the service lateral pipe diameter size is charged for each connection to the water.

For sewer services 4" - 6" in diameter a fixed fee is charged for each connection to the sewer system.

Fee for furnishing and installing the water meter.

Abandonment charges: If applicable, fixed fees for inspection of water service or sewer lateral abandonments are charged.

See the DC Water Fee Schedule for more information.

For more Info, call: DC Water Permit Operations Department at 202-646-8600

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West Potomac Park Drive SW Intersection
DC Water adds new road through West Potomac Park, improving access during Potomac River Tunnel construction

(Washington, DC) – DC Water today announces the opening of West Potomac Park Drive SW, a new road constructed as part of the Potomac River Tunnel (

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Tuesday, 4:00 PM

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