New DC Water Stakeholder Alliance Created to Provide Input to Authority

September 18, 2018

DC Water today announced the creation of a new 21-member Stakeholder Alliance, a panel of residents who will provide informal input to the General Manager on a range of timely and important issues. 
The group, which will have its first meeting on September 20, allows for a larger number of voices from more District residents and business groups as DC Water considers potentially far-reaching changes. 
“My hope is that this group of residents feel empowered by this process and share their ideas with us,” said DC Water CEO and General Manager David L. Gadis. “Giving folks a larger stake in our future will help us build a consensus.” 
Gadis announced the panel ahead of a planned review of the Clean River Impervious Area Charge, or CRIAC, which is used to fund the cost of cleaning up the Anacostia and Potomac Rivers, along with Rock Creek. The tunnel and diversion system is being built as a result of a federal lawsuit against the District government, but the unfunded mandate comes with substantial costs. 
Alliance meetings will be facilitated by Monte Monash of Monash Advisory Group. Members include: Jim Foster, Anacostia Watershed Society; Trey Sherard, Anacostia Riverkeeper; Brandon Gallas, DC Hospital Association; Justin Palmer, Rock Creek Park Church; Kirsten Williams, AOBA; Emeka Moneme, Federal City Council; Craig Muckle, Archdiocese of Washington; Natalie Avery, DC BID Council; Rob Robinson, DC Consumer Utility Board; Solomon Keene, Hotel Association of DC; and Sally Kram, Consortium of Universities. In addition, Valerie Baron from Ward 1, Eric Langenbacher from Ward 2, Andrea Molod from Ward 3, Randy Speck from Ward 4, Rev. Mike Thompson from Ward 5, Satu Webb from Ward 6, Rev Willie Wilson from Ward 7, Rev. Wanda Thompson from Ward 8 and District residents Monte Edwards and Lisa Barton.  
The Alliance meetings will be held at DC Water facilities. The group was selected with input from a variety of organizations and the interested parties, including the DC Council. More information on the Alliance will be available

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