DC Water launches second Cool Arts and Cleaner Rivers contest to turn District storm drains into art canvases
DC Water again seeks to turn District storm drains into art canvases for local artists. This week, the Authority launched its second Cool Arts and Cleaner Rivers art contest and again encourages District residents to submit designs inspired by their vision of a cleaner Anacostia River. The contest aspires to communicate the importance of the DC Clean Rivers Project in a meaningful and artistic way.
Mark Garret, one of the 2019 winners commented, “The contest serves as a beacon for what is taking place in the city. This art project allows people to be educated on the changes that are helping restore the Anacostia River and its ecosystem.”
The first contest attracted talented artists from all over the District, including high school students and others with varied jobs and interests who all took time to reflect on the Clean Rivers Project and what a cleaner Anacostia means to them.
Artists should follow the following guidelines to submit an entry:
- Brief statement or bio
- All entries must reflect the theme of the contest, “Cool arts and cleaner rivers.”
- Artists may submit only one entry, but up to three concept ideas.
- Submissions must be received electronically or postmarked by Friday, April 12, 2021.
Submissions can be sent electronically (PDF, PNG, JPEG) to fthompson@dcwater.com or by mail to Office of Marketing and Communications, 1385 Canal Street, SE Washington, DC 20003.
Designs will be judged by DC Water staff on creativity, uniqueness, visual impact and skill, and technique.