DC Water Offers Assistance to Furloughed Workers
DC Water Will Assist Federal Workers Impacted by Government Shutdown
DC Water announced today a plan to immediately begin working with any federal worker who may need additional flexibility in paying their bill because of the government shutdown.
“We stand ready to work with any customer. They are unintended victims in this situation and we are gladly willing to provide anyone affected by the shutdown with a payment plan or other options for paying their bill,” said David L. Gadis, Chief Executive Officer of DC Water.
Gadis reminded customers that DC Water already has multiple programs to assist customers who are struggling with their bills, including:
- Extended payment plans. Call 202-354-3600 to and work with customer assistance team.
- SPLASH (Serving People by Lending A Supporting Hand) SPLASH is a DC Water program that helps customers maintain critical water and sewer service in times of financial emergencies.
- DOEE Customer Assistance Program. This new program launched on January 1 and builds on the longtime Customer Assistance Program offered by DC Water for any customer in need. This and the newer versions of the program are administered by the city’s Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE).
Impacted federal workers can learn more about options by calling customer service at 202-354-3600. More details on customer assistance options can be found at https://www.dcwater.com/customer-assistance