Anacostia 2nd High Residential Pressure Reducing Valve Installation Project

Anacostia 2nd High Residential Pressure Reducing Valve Installation Project


As part of its Capital Improvement Program, DC Water has initiated the Anacostia 2nd High Residential Pressure Reducing Valve Installation Project to address long-standing issues and community concerns regarding low water pressure in Ward 8. To address the low pressure issue in area homes and in the vicinity of Hadley Hospital, Greater Southeast Hospital, Saint Elizabeths Hospital and Congress Heights. Work is now almost complete on the Saint Elizabeths Water Tower and Large Diameter Transmission Main project. 

This project is the last in a series of projects that will result in the formation of a new pressure zone in the areas stated above. There will be an increase in water pressure of 22 pounds per square inch (psi) across the service area following completion of the work. The benefits of this project will not only include increased water pressure, but also increased flow from local fire hydrants. 

Scope of work

DC Water has identified homes and other buildings within the service area that will likely experience water pressure exceeding 80 psi following the implementation of the 22 psi pressure increase. According to the District of Columbia Plumbing Code, pressure at this level requires installation of a pressure reducing valve (PRV) inside the property. To provide its customers with the highest level of customer service, DC Water implemented the Anacostia 2nd High Residential Pressure Reducing Valve Installation Project, to offer PRV installation at no cost to eligible and affected residential customers.

As part of this project, DC Water continues to contact affected property owners to make them aware of the upcoming water pressure increase and the need to have a PRV installed. If permitted by the property owner, DC Water’s contractor will purchase and install a PRV in eligible residential properties at no cost to the property owner. DC Water’s contractor will schedule an appointment with the owner or his/her representative to install the PRV prior to the scheduled water pressure increase.

If you have received a mailing with copies of the Agreement to authorize the PRV installation, please submit your signed Agreement as soon as possible, so we can schedule your PRV installation appointment. Information has also been provided to affected property owners whose homes will experience increased pressure but will not require PRV installation.

***Please note*** This free PRV installtion program is not applicable to businesses and multi-family residential units.


  • Estimated construction start (PRV installations): Spring 2017
  • Estimated construction completion (PRV installations): Spring 2018 - Completed Summer 2018
  • Construction completion (Saint Elizabeths Water Tower and Water Mains): Completed Summer 2018
  • Normal work hours: 7:00 am - 7:00 pm, Monday through Friday; 8:30 am - 5:00 pm on Saturday
  • Weekday appointments for PRV installations can be made between 7:00 am - 4:00 pm, with all work completed by 7:00 pm
  • Saturday appointments for PRV installations can be made between 8:30 am - 1:00 pm, with all work completed by 5:00 pm


Contact Information

DC Water Project Manager: Peter Tinubu
(202) 787-4065 (weekdays, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm)

DC Water Project Contractor:
United Plumbing and Mechanical
Kassa Hailu (202) 849-8880

DC Water 24-hr Emergency/Command Center:
(202) 612-3400

DC Water Drinking Water Division:
(202) 612-3440 (weekdays, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm)

DC Water Office of External Affairs:
(202) 787-2200

Project email:

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