Main Pumping Station Diversions Project

The Main Pumping Station Diversions Project is an essential component of the Clean Rivers Project. Currently, practically every time it rains, combined sewage overflows into the Anacostia River from the District’s antiquated sewerage system. Two diversion chambers were installed near Tingey Street to divert combined sewer overflows (CSOs) into the Blue Plains Tunnel by way of the Main Pumping Station Drop Shaft. The Blue Plains Tunnel stores and conveys the CSOs to the Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant for treatment prior to discharge to the Potomac River. Ventilation control facilities were constructed within the Main Pumping Station Drop Shaft to regulate air flow in the tunnel system.
The project is situated directly in front of DC Water's Main Pumping Station, a historic building, originally built in the early 1900s. The above ground portions of the Main Pumping Station Diversions were constructed within the Main Pumping Station compound. The final design of the structures was coordinated with the District Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB), the Commission of Fine Arts (CFA) and the National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC), to ensure compatibility with the historic Main Pumping Station building.
Scope of Work
- Installation of two diversion chambers along Tingey Street to carry CSOs to the Blue Plains Tunnel via the Main Pumping Station Drop Shaft
- Construction of ventilation control facilities above a 55-foot diameter concrete shaft that serves as both the access and terminus points for the Blue Plains Tunnel
DC Water worked closely with multiple stakeholders to provide timely information about the project, to solicit input, and to ease the burdens of construction. These stakeholders included residents, the Capitol Riverfront Business Improvement District, the JBG Companies, Forest City Washington, District Department of Transportation, The Yards Development, Nationals Park and the US Department of Transportation. DC Water also coordinated with Advisory Neighborhood Commissions to provide regular updates.
Project Location Map