Worker in pit, rehabbing water main


As part of its Capital Improvement Program, DC Water will be performing rehabilitation to water mains along the 4700-4900 blocks of Quebec Street NW (see construction location map on back). These upgrades are designed to improve water quality and system reliability, increase water pressure in some areas, and maintain adequate flows throughout the system.


•    Structural lining of approximately 2,200 linear feet of existing water mains in Quebec Street NW, from Fordham Road NW to University Avenue NW; this portion of work will be completed by using trenchless, cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) methods
•    Replacement of fire hydrants and valves 
•    Installation of a temporary bypass system to ensure continuity of water service for area customers during construction 
•    Restoration of all surfaces disturbed by the project construction upon completion of the work


•    Construction start: Spring 2024
•    Construction completion: Summer 2024
•    Normal work hours: 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM, Monday through Friday

The contractor may, at times, need to work at night or on weekends, dependent upon certain construction activities, or due to inclement weather.


•    There will be no major interruptions to area customers’ water and sewer services during this project; there will only be intermittent interruption of water service at homes where temporary bypass piping is being set up and/or removed.
•    For all planned temporary water service shut-offs, affected residents will be notified 48 hours in advance. Service interruptions should be minimal. 
•    Construction activities such as these may cause temporary discolored water or low water pressure. If you experience discolored water, it is recommended that you flush your cold water tap from the lowest point inside your property for approximately 15 minutes. If your water does not clear after this process, please contact DC Water’s Water Quality and Technology Division, or our 24-hr Emergency/Command Center.


•    Flagging operations may be used daily for each construction phase to maintain traffic in the Lane closures and flagging operations may be required daily for each phase of construction to maintain traffic in the construction work zone. All Traffic Control Plans will be approved by the District Department of Transportation (DDOT).
•        Notifications regarding “No-Parking” zones will be posted 72 hours prior to construction, in certain areas in and around the job site, as required by DDOT.


DC Water is currently working closely with DDOT to ensure minimal disruption during this project. 
Regular updates will also be provided to impacted area residents, Advisory Neighborhood 
Commission 3D, Ward 3 representatives in the Mayor’s Office of Community Relations and Services, 
and Ward 3 Councilmember Matthew Frumin and members of his staff.


Contact Information

For more information, please contact

Lead Free Group Project Manager: John Ingle (202) 313-1541 / john.ingle@dcwater.com 

Lead Free Group Project Inspector: Christopher Barber (571) 363-8688 

DC Water Project Contractor: Capitol Paving of DC, Inc. – Ralph Leo (240) 304-5756 

DC Water Water Quality and Technology Division: (202) 612-3440 

DC Water 24-hr Emergency/Command Center: (202) 612-3400 

DC Water Office of Marketing and Communications: (202) 787-2200

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April 24, 2023

Monday 9:00 AM


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