
Date Title
March 13, 1997 Board of Director's Library;
Board Approved Resolutions

#97-27 Extension of Interim General Manager
March 13, 1997 Board of Director's Library;
Board Approved Resolutions

#97-28 Approval of OMS -5058-AA-NJ Tricon of Washington, D.C.
February 06, 1997 Board of Director's Library;
Board Approved Resolutions

#97-23 Contract No. OMS-5030-AB-KH Pebble and Granular Lime
February 06, 1997 Board of Director's Library;
Board Approved Resolutions

#97-24 Vice Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary of the Board
February 06, 1997 Board of Director's Library;
Board Approved Resolutions

#97-25 Negotiate Contracting Services for A Financial Advisor
February 06, 1997 Board of Director's Library;
Board Approved Resolutions

#97-22 Contract No. OMS-6001-AA-DB Philadelphia Mixers Repair Parts
January 16, 1997 Board of Director's Library;
Board Approved Resolutions

#97-07 Bureau of Wastewater Treatment Procurement of Polymer for Blended Sludge OMS-6094-AA-AC
January 16, 1997 Board of Director's Library;
Board Approved Resolutions

#97-01 Approval of DCFA-320-WSU-EPMC I Wastewater Treatment Plant Metcalf and Eddy
January 16, 1997 Board of Director's Library;
Board Approved Resolutions

#97-17 Bureau of Water Services Procurement of Sensus Water Meter Parts OMS-5183-AA-NJ
January 16, 1997 Board of Director's Library;
Board Approved Resolutions

#97-08 Authorization to Forward Contract Documents over $500,000 and Contract Modifications/Change Orders over $100,000 to the D.C. Financial Control and Responsibility and Management Assistance Authority, (DCFRMAA) Prior to Board Approval
January 16, 1997 Board of Director's Library;
Board Approved Resolutions

#97-11 Contract No. DCFA #300-WSU Change Order No. 9 Transition Planning Assistance and Operational Alternatives for the D.C. Water and Sewer Authority
January 16, 1997 Board of Director's Library;
Board Approved Resolutions

#97-02 DCFA #320A-WSU, Engineering Program Management Consultant IA (Blue Plains), Change Order No. 1 - Metcalf and Eddy
January 16, 1997 Board of Director's Library;
Board Approved Resolutions

#97-18 Authorization to Readopt Emergency Personnel and Procurement Regulations
January 16, 1997 Board of Director's Library;
Board Approved Resolutions

#97-09 Authorization to Forward Contract Documents over $1,000,000 to the D.C. City Council Prior to Board Approval
January 16, 1997 Board of Director's Library;
Board Approved Resolutions

#97-03 Approval of DCFA-310-WSU Biological Nutrient Removal, Wastewater Treatment Plant CH2M HILL
January 16, 1997 Board of Director's Library;
Board Approved Resolutions

#97-19 Authorization for Short-term Borrowing of $40 Million for Capital Improvements and Cash Reserves
January 16, 1997 Board of Director's Library;
Board Approved Resolutions

#97-10 Solicit a Consultant to Conduct a Feasibility Study Establishing the Authority as an Independent Regional Authority
January 16, 1997 Board of Director's Library;
Board Approved Resolutions

#97-12 Approval of Contract No. 95-0005-AA-2-0-LA Denitrification Demonstration Facility Change Order No. 3A Danis Heavy Construction Company
January 16, 1997 Board of Director's Library;
Board Approved Resolutions

#97-04 DCFA #310-WSU, BNR Pilot Study/Denitrification Demonstration Project Letter Contract Extension - CH2M Hill
January 16, 1997 Board of Director's Library;
Board Approved Resolutions

#97-20 Processing of Invoices for Compensation to Board Members on a Quarterly Basis
January 16, 1997 Board of Director's Library;
Board Approved Resolutions

#97-13 Approval of DCFA #267 Change Order No. 16 Startup Assistance I Project Transition Assistance Metcalf and Eddy
January 16, 1997 Board of Director's Library;
Board Approved Resolutions

#97-05 Approval of Change Order #8 DCFA-326-WSU-Water Quality Camp Dresser & McKee
January 16, 1997 Board of Director's Library;
Board Approved Resolutions

#97-21 Approval of FY 1998 Budget
January 16, 1997 Board of Director's Library;
Board Approved Resolutions

#97-15 Approval of Invitation No. 96-0047-AA-2-0-LA Valve Replacements, Various Locations District Wide Prince Construction Company
January 16, 1997 Board of Director's Library;
Board Approved Resolutions

#97-06 DCFA #267-Change Order No. 15 Startup Assistance I Project - Metcalf & Eddy

Upcoming Meeting

Board of Directors Meeting

April 24, 2023

Monday 9:00 AM


Piney Branch
DC Water Clean Rivers initiative gains approval for construction of Piney Branch Tunnel Project

DC Water’s Piney Branch Tunnel Project is moving ahead with construction, the next phase of the Authority’s Clean Rivers

Latest Blog Post
A helicopter lowers a drill rig to workers on the Potomac River.
DC Water begins drilling in Potomac River to explore options to rehab underwater sewer line
When one of your major sewer lines runs through the Potomac River, a backhoe and trencher won't do. That's why we've got helicopters carrying a 14-ton drill and workers suspended midair over the Potomac.
Upcoming Meeting
April 9, 2025
Wednesday, 9:30 AM