Sewer Rehabilitation Project - Soapstone Valley Park

DC Water is performing sewer rehabilitation projects throughout the city as part of its Capital Improvement Program. The Soapstone Valley Park Sewer Rehabilitation Project will address aging and defective sewer pipes extending from Albemarle Street NW to Broad Branch Road NW. Benefits of this project would include the rectification of an aging sewer system, improved structural integrity of the pipes while maintaining adequate hydraulic capacity, reduction of stream and groundwater infiltration, and mitigation for potential sanitary sewer overflows.
Scope of Work
- Rehabilitation of approximately 6,200 linear feet of defective sanitary sewer pipe
- Rehabilitation of 37 defective sewer manholes
- Protection of other sewer infrastructure assets, as needed
- Repair of one Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) outfall
- National Park Service (NPS) signed the Finding Of No Significant Impact (FONSI): April 2020
- Estimated construction start: Winter 2021 – 2022
- Estimated construction Completion: Winter 2023 – 2024
Important Information
- During construction, bypass piping will be installed from manhole to manhole to divert sewer flow.
- For any necessary temporary interruption of sewer services during construction, affected customers will be notified 7 days in advance.
- Some odor may be noticed temporarily during construction operations.
- As with all construction projects, noise from equipment and workers on-site can be expected, however, during sewer cleaning, lining, and inspection operations, you may experience excessive noise for abbreviated periods.
- DC Water is working closely with the District Department of Transportation (DDOT), Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), DDOT’s Urban Forestry Administration (UFA), and NPS to ensure minimal traffic and other disruptions during construction. Regular updates will also be provided to critical community stakeholders including impacted residents and businesses, local Advisory Neighborhood Commissions (ANCs) and civic associations, Mayor’s Office of Community Relations and Services (MOCRS), and local Councilmembers and staff.
- DC Water will maintain a safe work zone throughout the project to pedestrians and others and all areas will be restored to original conditions.
- Flagging operations will be used daily for each construction phase to maintain traffic in the construction work zone. All Traffic Control Plans will be approved by DDOT.
- At various times during construction, “No Parking” signs may be placed in certain areas in and around the work zone. Notifications regarding “No Parking” zones will be posted 72 hours prior to construction, as required by DDOT.
As stated above, DC Water is working closely with DDOT, DCRA, USACE, UFA and NPS to ensure minimal traffic and other disruptions during construction. Regular updates will also be provided to critical community stakeholders including impacted residents and businesses, local ANCs and civic associations, MOCRS, and local Councilmembers and staff.
Project Location
Previous Assessment
DC Water assessed creek bed sewers in Soapstone Valley in 2010 and 2011. The Report capturing the assessment results has been referred in the preparation of the NEPA document. See the report below for easy reference.
Soapstone Valley Creek Bed Sewer Assessment March 15, 2011
Community Meetings
August 17, 2023
March 9, 2023